About me
Hello !
My name is Kimberly Coopwood and I am a Conceptual Art Photographer.
The shorter version of my title is, I am a story teller.
I love hearing peoples' stories and making them come to life!
Did you see the photo of the girl in the storm clinging to the light pole?
That's me! And that is the first story I ever told.
My Story
The night I took the "Storm" photo it was literally storming. Snow coated the ground and the chill of the wind bit my face. I had dragged my mom outside in her PJ's to assist me. (Don't worry she had on a coat.)
But that storm described what our year had been like. We had lost my father, lost our home, my father's red truck, my car, and on top of all that, we could not afford for me to return to college. If Hell was frozen, this is what it would look like.
Six months prior to this photo my mother gifted me my father's camera collection. Nether one of us could have anticipated the impact her gift would have on our lives.
Even though it took a tragedy to birth the "Storm" photo, I know that when ever I look at it, my mother is standing off to the side weathering the storm with me.
I hope You enjoyed my story!
I would Love you hear yours!
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